Опубліковано 16 вересня, 202416 верес Перегляд файла Incredible Artifacts Цей плагін додає власні артефакти, які можна налаштувати, ремесла, предмети, імена, незабаром атрибути. Config.yml: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | Incredible-Artifacts version 1.2 | # | Created by MrZ3NE | # | Thanks for download | # | My spigot page - https://www.spigotmc.org/members/happy_z3ne.1511129/ | # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Commands Messages: messages: noPermission: '§4You not have permission to run this command' gui: 'Opens Incredible-Artifacts gui' usage: 'Use /incredible-artifacts (reload, gui, author)' reload: '§6Incredible-Artifacts is §asuccessfully §6reloaded!' join: '§bThanks for downloading plugin Incredible Artifacts version: 1.2' unknown: 'Unknown command: ' effect_applied: '§6§lIncredible-Artifacts §7> §aEffect is successfully applied.' gui_text: plugin_reload: 'Reload Incredible-Artifacts' item_lore: '[I]Click to reload plugin[/I]' plugin_giveall: 'Give all artifacts' giveall_lore: '[I]Click to pickup all artifacts[/I]' giveall_message: 'All artifacts have been issued to you.' title: main_line: 'Successfully' second_line: 'The plugin has been reloaded' #Items name: #If you change this, needs reload server /reload or /reload confirm, to change color use '§' #Material list - https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html # How change recipe by slots # # Crafting_Table # 1,2,3 - (1-3 Slots) # 4,5,6 - (4-6 Slots) # 7,8,9 (7-9 Slots) # #Speed_Artifact items_speed_artifact: speed_artifact_name: 'Speed Artifact(1/7)' speed_artifact_lore: 'This thing is very powerful, gives the player speed' speed_artifact_item: 'CYAN_DYE' craft_speed: slot1: 'NETHERITE_INGOT' slot2: 'FEATHER' slot3: 'AIR' slot4: 'DIAMOND' slot5: 'NETHER_STAR' slot6: 'DIAMOND' slot7: 'AIR' slot8: 'FEATHER' slot9: 'NETHERITE_INGOT' #Health_Artifact items_health_artifact: health_artifact_name: 'Health Artifact(2/7)' health_artifact_lore: 'This thing is very incredible, gives the player health' health_artifact_item: 'RED_DYE' craft_health: slot1: 'TOTEM_OF_UNDYING' slot2: 'GOLDEN_APPLE' slot3: 'AIR' slot4: 'EMERALD' slot5: 'NETHER_STAR' slot6: 'EMERALD' slot7: 'AIR' slot8: 'GOLDEN_APPLE' slot9: 'TOTEM_OF_UNDYING' #Attack_Artifact items_attack_artifact: attack_artifact_name: 'Attack Artifact(3/7)' attack_artifact_lore: 'This item is heavy but shiny, giving the player more attack power' attack_artifact_item: 'ORANGE_DYE' craft_attack: slot1: 'IRON_INGOT' slot2: 'STRING' slot3: 'AIR' slot4: 'END_CRYSTAL' slot5: 'NETHER_STAR' slot6: 'END_CRYSTAL' slot7: 'AIR' slot8: 'STRING' slot9: 'IRON_INGOT' #Knockback_Artifact items_knockback_artifact: knockback_artifact_name: 'Knockback Artifact(4/7)' knockback_artifact_lore: 'This item is powerful, knocks your opponent away' knockback_artifact_item: 'LIGHT_GRAY_DYE' craft_knockback: slot1: 'NETHERITE_SCRAP' slot2: 'BONE' slot3: 'AIR' slot4: 'RABBIT_FOOT' slot5: 'NETHER_STAR' slot6: 'RABBIT_FOOT' slot7: 'AIR' slot8: 'BONE' slot9: 'NETHERITE_SCRAP' #Knockback_Artifact items_follow_artifact: follow_artifact_name: 'Follow Artifact(5/7)' follow_artifact_lore: 'This item is smelt, and lures other mobs' follow_artifact_item: 'BROWN_DYE' craft_follow: slot1: 'GOLD_INGOT' slot2: 'DRIED_KELP' slot3: 'AIR' slot4: 'SPIDER_EYE' slot5: 'NETHER_STAR' slot6: 'SPIDER_EYE' slot7: 'AIR' slot8: 'DRIED_KELP' slot9: 'GOLD_INGOT' #Search_Artifact items_search_artifact: search_artifact_name: 'Search Artifact(6/7)' search_artifact_lore: 'Looks for players within a 10 block radius, be aware that another player can also see you' search_artifact_item: 'LIME_DYE' craft_search: slot1: 'HEART_OF_THE_SEA' slot2: 'ENDER_EYE' slot3: 'AIR' slot4: 'COMPASS' slot5: 'NETHER_STAR' slot6: 'COMPASS' slot7: 'AIR' slot8: 'ENDER_EYE' slot9: 'HEART_OF_THE_SEA' #Artifact of invisibility items_invisibility_artifact: invisibility_artifact_name: 'Artifact of invisibility(7/7)' invisibility_artifact_lore: 'This artifact adds an invisibility effect to the player for 15 seconds' invisibility_artifact_item: 'BLACK_DYE' craft_invisibility: slot1: 'ENCHANTED_GOLDEN_APPLE' slot2: 'ENDER_PEARL' slot3: 'AIR' slot4: 'quartz' slot5: 'NETHER_STAR' slot6: 'quartz' slot7: 'AIR' slot8: 'ENDER_PEARL' slot9: 'ENCHANTED_GOLDEN_APPLE' Команди/Дозволи Спойлер / incredible-artifacts reload - incredible-artifacts.reload / incredible-artifacts gui - incredible-artifacts.admin Псевдоніми / артефакти (reload, gui, автор тощо) Додав Ciko Додано 16.09.24 Категорія Плагина
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