Опубліковано 16 вересня, 202416 верес Перегляд файла Proxychat Той же bungeechat, але для velocity. Дозволяє реалізувати глобальний чат всього сервера, а також особисті повідомлення на рівні проксі, і все це з псевдонімами, що налаштовуються. Так само в плагіні є баги (у конфізі відзначив коментарями знайдені мною баговані параметри. Конфігурація: #################################################################################################### # Proxy Chat configuration by shawn_ian & BrainStone (v11.3) # # A full documentation of the plugin (including things like the config or placeholders) can be found # at: # https://github.com/JLyne/ProxyChat/wiki # You can report bugs or request features here: # https://github.com/JLyne/ProxyChat/issues # To learn more about the HOCON config format read: # https://github.com/typesafehub/config#using-hocon-the-json-superset # HOCON is very lentient, so don't worry if the formatting is messed up. It will be fixed on the # next start or reload. Also you can leave comments and they will be preserved. #################################################################################################### # You can use a MySQL/MariaDB database to store the userdata instead of using the default file # storage. # If the database cannot be reached, a warning will be printed and the plugin will fall back to # file storage. AccountDatabase { credentials { database=ProxyChat ip="" password="P@ssw0rd_" # The MySQL default port is 3306. If no port is given, use 3306 port=3306 tablePrefix="ProxyChat_" user=User } enabled=false # This setting allows you to define extra properties for connections. # # By default, the following options are set to enable utf8 encoding. # characterEncoding=utf8 # useUnicode=true # # You can also use this section to disable SSL connections, by setting: # useSSL=false # verifyServerCertificate=false properties { characterEncoding=utf8 useUnicode=true } } # You can customize all formats (like the format for the global chat) here. # You can find a list of all the available placeholders here: # https://github.com/JLyne/ProxyChat/wiki/Placeholders # Minimessage formatting tags (for example "<bold>") work here. New lines can be added with "<br>". Formats { alert="<blue>ALERT > </blue><bold><red>%name%: </red></bold>%message%" chatLoggingConsole="%channel% > %servername% > %name%: %message%" chatLoggingFile="[%time%]: %channel% > %servername% > %name%(%uuid%): %message%" globalChat="<blue>GLOBAL > </blue><yellow>%fullname%: %message%" joinMessage="<yellow>%name% has joined the network!" leaveMessage="<yellow>%name% has left the network!" localChat="%fullname%: %message%" localSpy="<blue>SPY > </blue><dark_gray>%servername% > </dark_gray><yellow>%name% </yellow><dark_gray>: </dark_gray>%message%" messageSender="<gold>You </gold><dark_gray>-> </dark_gray><gold>%target_name% </gold><dark_gray>: </dark_gray>%message%" messageTarget="<gold>%sender_name% </gold><dark_gray>-> </dark_gray><gold>You</gold><dark_gray>: </dark_gray>%message%" motd="This is line 1\nThis is line 2\nPlaceholders do work in here %name%\n<gold>Color</gold><dark_red>codes <bold>and </bold></dark_red><black>Formats <strikethrough>too!" serverSwitch="<yellow>%name% has moved to the </yellow><red>%servername% </red><yellow>server!" socialSpy="<blue>SPY > </blue><yellow>%sender_name% </yellow><dark_gray>-> </dark_gray><yellow>%target_name% </yellow><dark_gray>: </dark_gray>%message%" staffChat="<blue>STAFF > </blue><yellow>%name%: </yellow>%message%" welcomeMessage="<light_purple>Welcome </light_purple><yellow>%name%</yellow><light_purple> to the server!" } # Select the language of the messages. All available langues can be found in the lang dir. Don't # change the default language files, as they get reset with every restart and relaod. # Use (a) custom laguage file(s) instead. Language="ru_RU" # Miscellaneous settings that don't really belong somewhere else. Miscellaneous { # Possible values: "none", "short", "normal", "long" startupBannerSize=normal } Modules { # Cross network broadcast that all players can see. Alert { aliases=[ broadcast, bc, balert, bbc ] enabled=true } # Stop players from advertising certain websites or IPs. AntiAdvertising { enabled=true whitelisted=[ "google.*", "youtube.*" ] } # No more messages in all CAPS! AntiCapslock { enabled=true maximumCapsPercentage=80 minimumLetterCount=6 } # Block duplicated messages in chat (to stop spamming). AntiDuplication { checkPastMessages=5 enabled=true # After how many seconds the player can send the same message again expireAfter=60 } # Limit the amount of messages a player can send per minute (to stop spamming). AntiSpam { enabled=true # A player can send the messages in quick succession but only ever that many per minute. # This is to allow players to send a bunch of short messages quickly without them being # blocked. messagesPerMinute=15 } # List of swears that players can not say. AntiSwear { enabled=true freeMatching=false ignoreDuplicateLetters=false ignoreSpaces=false leetSpeak=false replacement="****" words=[ fuck, shit, cunt, bitch, twat, slut, whore, prick, piss, nigger, negro ] } # Timed broadcasts throughout the Network. AutoBroadcast { enabled=false broadcasts = [ { # Available time units: "s" -> seconds, "m" -> minutes, "h" -> hours, "d" -> days interval="20m" messages=[ "Message 1", "Message 2\nwith newline!", "<gold>Message 3 <bold>with </bold></gold><dark_red>colors </dark_red><aqua>and </aqua><black>Formats <strikethrough>too!" ] random=false # To which servers the autobroadcasts should go to. # If it is disabled all servers are part of it. serverList { enabled=false list=[ Hub1, Hub2, Hub3 ] } } ] } # Locks the chat so only players with the correct permissions can talk. ChatLock { aliases=[ lockchat ] emptyLinesOnClear=20 enabled=true } # Information of where the chat is saved. ChatLogging { console=true enabled=true file=true filteredCommands=[ login, help, pagination ] logFile="logs/%year%-%month%-%day%-chat.log" privateMessages=true } # Edit how ClearChat works. ClearChat { aliases=[ cc, chatclear ] emptyLines=20 enabled=true } Emoji { #багованная штука, лучше держать выключенной enabled=false emoji = { "General" = { #"\ue100" = ["emote1", "emote1Alias"], } } } Platform { enabled=true } # Global chat information. GlobalChat { aliases=[ g ] default=false enabled=true # This passes the chat to the servers the proxy connects to. This will cause doubled # messages unless you block the chat on these servers! passToBackendServer=false # Which servers are part of the GlobalChat. # If it is disabled all servers are part of it. serverList { enabled=false list=[ Hub1, Hub2, Hub3 ] } symbol { enabled=false symbol="!" } } # Players ignoring other players. (/ignore) Ignoring { aliases=[] enabled=true # Whether ignoring a player also means that you ignore their normal chat messages, not just # their private messages ignoreChatMessages=false } JoinMessage { enabled=false } LeaveMessage { enabled=false } LocalChat { aliases=[ l ] enabled=true # This causes ProxyChat to still log transparently passed messages #если поставить на true, то в консоли velocity буде ошибка каждый раз, когда игрок что-то пишет в локальный чат logTransparentLocal=false # List of servers we want to pass local chat through to passThruServerList { enabled=false list=[ Hub1, Hub2, Hub3 ] } # This passes the chat to the servers the proxy connects to. This will cause doubled # messages unless you block the chat on these servers or enable passTransparently passToBackendServer=true # This causes ProxyChat not to process local chat messages passTransparently=true # Which servers are part of the LocalChat. # If it is disabled all servers are part of it. serverList { enabled=false list=[ Hub1, Hub2, Hub3 ] } } # Send messages to the LocalChat of specified backend servers LocalTo { aliases=[ localto, lto, lt ] enabled=true } # The servers "Message of the Day". MOTD { enabled=true } # Private messaging options. Messenger { aliases { message=[ msg, tell, m, w, whisper ] msgtoggle=[ mtoggle ] reply=[ r ] } enabled=true filterPrivateMessages=false } # Groups several servers together for LocalChat MulticastChat { enabled=false serverLists=[ [ skyblock1, skyblock2 ], [ minigame, minigame1, minigame2 ] ] } # Options for the command /mute Muting { aliases { mute=[ silence ] tempmute=[ tempsilence ] unmute=[ unsilence ] } disableWithOtherMutePlugins=true enabled=true } # Shows players switching servers in LocalChat ServerSwitchMessages { enabled=true } # An Administrators ability to view other players private messages and all local chats. Spy { aliases { localspy=[ lspy ] socialspy=[ sspy ] } enabled=true } # Chat specifically designed for Staff StaffChat { aliases=[ sc, s, schat ] enabled=true # This passes the chat to the servers the proxy connects to. This will cause doubled # messages unless you block the chat on these servers! passToBackendServer=false symbol { enabled=false symbol="?" } } # Become hidden to players on the server. Vanish { aliases=[ bhide ] enabled=true } WelcomeMessage { enabled=false } } # Change the default prefix and suffix for players and other prefix and suffix related things. PrefixSuffixSettings { defaultPrefix="&7[Member]" defaultSuffix="&r" # LuckPerms itself considers the different servers to be worlds. This messes with per server # groups and prefixes. While this setting does not change the contexts LuckPerms uses for # permissions, it however fixes per server groups and permissions for prefixes and suffixes. # # !!! Make sure the server names in the velocity config match the ones used in the LuckPerms # configs of the backend servers !!! # As a fallback you can use the world rewrite setting in the LuckPerms config to fix it. fixLuckPermsContext=false } # Add different names for servers. ServerAlias { game1="Survival Games" hub=H lobby=Lobby } # Please do not change! Version=12.0 Додав Ciko Додано 16.09.24 Категорія Плагина
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