Опубліковано 14 вересня, 202414 верес Перегляд файла LPX LPX нацелен на защиту вашего сервера на пакетном уровне, он не затрагивает ничего, связанного с ванильной механикой, поэтому он не защищает от лаг-машин из редстоуна, дюпов или незаконных творческих предметов. Он также не защитит вас от DDoS, ботов и эксплойтов на уровне прокси, поскольку работает только на инстансах с патрубками! Конфигурация плагина LPX: license: "null" # Use this if you live in China force-fallback: false messages: main-color: "&5" second-color: "&d" prefix: "%main-color%LPX >>" kick: "&cYou are sending suspicious packets." kick-alert: "%prefix% %second-color%%player% &7was kicked" no-permission: "%prefix% &cInsufficient permissions &7(%permission%)" invalid-arguments: "%prefix% &cInvalid arguments!" injection-failure: "%prefix% &cInjection failure!" update-found: "%prefix% &aAn update was found!" null-address: "%prefix% &cYou are joining with an invalid address!" alerts: permission: "lpx.alerts" format: "%prefix% %second-color%%player% &7failed %main-color%%check% %type% &7(%vl%/%max-vl%)" hover: - "%main-color%Description:" - "%second-color%%description%" - "" - "%main-color%Infos: %infos%" - "" enabled: "%prefix% &aAlerts enabled" disabled: "%prefix% &cAlerts disabled" options: # Enable this only if you have fake players who cause errors during the injection # WARNING: Enabling this will allow players to join even during injection failures silent-failures: false # Whether LPX should kick players when an exception in their handlers occurs kick-on-exception: true # LPX will prevent any type of item exploit that slows Netty threads # Available options: # ALL (disable decoding for every item) # BOOKS (disable only for books) (DEFAULT) # NONE (vanilla behavior) disable-item-decoding: BOOKS # If this option is set to true, players won't be able to see the output of /lpx hidden-command: false # If activated, players with "lpx.bypass" permission will ignore checks bypass-permission: false # Add support for Geyser players (Bedrock Edition) geyser: false # Check if the plugin can be updated. # Permission: "lpx.update" check-updates: true # Whether bStats should be loaded (https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/LPX/9156) bstats: true # Whether task that resets VL should be enabled clear-task: enabled: true # Repeat delay in seconds delay: 300 printer: # Enable this if your server allows the use of printer/schematic mod, and you are not using our Printer's APIs automatic: false # Lower this value if players don't enter in printer mode correctly place-threshold: 10 # Idle time after exiting printer mode disable-delay: 3000 # Whether players with the permission should receive printer's alerts alerts: true # Permission to receive printer's alerts permission: "lpx.alerts.printer" join: "%prefix% %second-color%%player% &7joined printer mode (%mode%)" leave: "%prefix% %second-color%%player% &7left printer mode" mechanics: # Sets a minimum time to reuse the nether portal. You can set it to -1 to disable. # WARNING: If you are using Intave put this to -1 to disable nether-portal-delay: 1000 # Prevents the oneshot bow. -1 to disable max-arrow-velocity: 15 # Prevents sheep extinction. -1 to disable shears-cooldown: 500 # Prevents players to interact with the inventory on block break break-close-inventory: false # Prevents a strange crash exploit using redstone with trapdoors, rails and comparator (BETA) trapdoor-rail-redstone: true # Prevents players to open containers too fast (time in milliseconds. -1 to disable) interact-container-delay: 100 alerts: # Whether alerts should be stored in a file store: true # Amount of days to keep the alerts days: 14 # Server name, used for API integrations server: unnamed # Delay in milliseconds to wait before sending new alerts after a punishment punish-delay: 1000 debug: false # If set to true LPX will look for the config.yml in ../config/config.yml external-config: false packet-logger: # If a packet requires more than this amount of time (in nanoseconds) to be processed, it will be logged # Example: 5000000ns = 5ms, -1 to disable heavy-packet-threshold: 5000000 enabled: false # MODES: whitelist, blacklist # Whitelist mode: only players in the list will be logged # Blacklist mode: only players not in the list will be logged player-mode: whitelist players: - Ytnoos # MODES: whitelist, blacklist # Whitelist mode: only packets in the list will be logged # Blacklist mode: only packet not in the list will be logged packet-mode: blacklist # To find out correct names, https://github.com/retrooper/packetevents/blob/2.0/api/src/main/java/com/github/retrooper/packetevents/protocol/packettype/PacketType.java#L510 packets: - PLAYER_FLYING - PLAYER_POSITION - PLAYER_POSITION_AND_ROTATION - PLAYER_ROTATION - KEEP_ALIVE - ANIMATION - WINDOW_CONFIRMATION checks: netty: a: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 3 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' options: # If this is set to automatic, then the max value below will assume one of these values based on your server version # 1.8 = 8448 # 1.12 = 24576 # >=1.13 = 98304 automatic: true # You can put this value to lower numbers (4096, 8192, 12228) to have much stricter protections max: 98304 b: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 3 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' options: resolved: true max: 15 max-characters: 255 resolved-multiplier: 3 resize: true window: a: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 5 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' buffer: max: 3 multiply: 0.25 decay: 1 b: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 5 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' buffer: max: 3 multiply: 0.25 decay: 1 c: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 5 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' d: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 2 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' creative: a: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 3 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' b: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 3 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' options: max: 127 min: 0 c: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 3 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' options: max: 1500 d: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 3 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' options: max: 16384 e: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 3 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' options: blacklist: - "run_command" - "translation.test.invalid" f: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 3 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' options: max: 64 g: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 3 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' place: a: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 10 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' buffer: max: 5 multiply: 0.5 decay: 1 options: max: 100 b: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 3 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' options: max: 70 c: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 5 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' buffer: max: 5 multiply: 0.5 decay: 1 options: max: 50 flood: a: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 3 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending too many packets. :<' options: max: 1100 b: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 6 min-vl: 2 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending too many packets. >:' options: # The following strings are represented by 2 or 3 parameters: # PacketName | Max packets | Interval(ms) | Periods | Warnings # "ANIMATION,50,500,5,2" Means this check will flag when a player sends 50 ANIMATION packets in an interval of 500ms for 2 times in a period of (5*500ms) limits: - "ANIMATION,50,500,5,2" - "USE_ITEM,60,1000,5,2" - "PLAYER_BLOCK_PLACEMENT,14,100,6,3" - "CLICK_WINDOW,20,200,10,4" - "CREATIVE_INVENTORY_ACTION,20,200,10,4" - "PLAYER_POSITION,40,100,5,3" - "PLAYER_ROTATION,40,100,5,3" - "PLAYER_POSITION_AND_ROTATION,40,100,5,3" - "CRAFT_RECIPE_REQUEST,15,1000,2,1" - "TAB_COMPLETE,40,1000,2,1" - "INTERACT_ENTITY,20,600,5,2" - "CHAT_COMMAND,5,500,5,2" - "PLAYER_DIGGING,40,500,6,3" - "UPDATE_SIGN,2,300,6,2" c: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 3 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending too many packets. :o' options: max: 10 reset-interval: 100 max-periods: 6 max-warnings: 3 big-threshold: 2048 d: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 4 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending too many packets. o:' options: max: 10 big-threshold: 2048 max-big: 6 f: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 2 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending too many packets. :$' options: max: 8 position: a: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 1 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' b: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 6 min-vl: 1 buffer: max: 2 multiply: 0.5 decay: 0.05 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' options: delay: 2000 hard: false ignore-fly: true c: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 1 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' options: max: 15000 d: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 1 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' options: max: 100000 payload: a: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 3 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' b: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 2 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' options: delay: 1000 max: 15 c: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 3 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' d: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 5 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' e: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 1 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' f: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 3 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' tab: a: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 10 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' options: starts: - "/to " - "//to" - "/calc " - "//calc" contains: - "while" - "targetoffset" - "for(" - "^(." - "*." b: enabled: true punish: false max-vl: 1 min-vl: -1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' options: max-length: 256 characters: - "[" - "]" - "{" - "}" - "@" - "=" - "nbt" command: a: enabled: true punish: true max-vl: 3 min-vl: 1 punish-commands: - 'lpx kick %player% &cYou are sending suspicious packets.' options: commands: #CREDITS TO: https://github.com/2lstudios-mc/ExploitFixer # WorldEdit exploit - "//calc" - "//calculate" - "//eval" - "//evaluate" - "//solve" # HolographicDisplays exploit - "/hd readtext" - "/holo readtext" - "/hologram readtext" - "/holograms readtext" - "/holographicdisplays readtext" # PermissionsEx exploit - "/pex promote" - "/pex demote" - "/promote" - "/demote" - "/execute" # Multiverse exploit - "/mv ^" - "/mv help ^" - "/mvhelp ^" - "/$" Команди та права плагіна LPX: Спойлер /lpx alerts - lpx.alerts - Отримання попереджень /lpx reload - lpx.reload - Перезавантажити конфігурацію /lpx gui - lpx.gui - Відкрити графічний інтерфейс користувача /lpx clear - lpx.clear - Очистити старі журнали пакетів /lpxkick < <Повідомлення> - lpx.kick - Примусово закрити з'єднання з гравцем Права плагіна LPX: lpx.alerts.printer - Отримувати оповіщення про принтер Додав Ciko Додано 14.09.24 Категорія Плагина Для версій 1.8.✘1.9.✘1.10.✘1.11.✘1.12.✘1.13.✘1.14.✘1.15.✘1.16.✘1.17.✘1.18.✘1.19.✘1.20.✘1.21.✘ Java
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