Опубліковано 13 вересня, 202413 верес Перегляд файла ⚒️ SoBlockAutoFarm ⚒️ Команди: Спойлер /sobaf help # Допомога /sobaf reload # Перезавантажити конфіг /sobaf set (player) (number) # Встановити кількість вбитих мобів гравцю /sobaf add (player) (number) # Додати до кількох вбитих мобів гравця /sobaf take (player) (number) # Зменшити кількість вбитих мобів гравцю /sobaf reset (player/all) # Встановити на 0 кількість вбитих мобів Permissions: Спойлер sobaf.reload # /sobaf reload sobaf.set # /sobaf set (player ) (number) sobaf.add # /sobaf add (player) (number) sobaf.take # /sobaf take (player) (number) sobaf.reset # /sobaf reset (player/all) Конфіг: prefix: "&aBlockAutoFarm &8»&f " noPerm: "You have not permission for it!" configReload: "Config has been reloaded!" set: usage: "&f/sobaf set (&cnick&f) (&cint&f) &eSet killed mobs" number-error: "&f/sobaf set (nick) (&cint&f) &eSet killed mobs" success: "&fSet &6{count}&f killed mobs for player &e{username}" player-error: "&f/sobaf set (&cnick&f) (int) &eSet killed mobs" add: usage: "&f/sobaf add (&cnick&f) (&cint&f) &eAdd killed mobs" number-error: "&f/sobaf add (nick) (&cint&f) &eAdd killed mobs" success: "&fAdded &6{count}&f killed mobs for player &e{username}" player-error: "&f/sobaf add (&cnick&f) (int) &eAdd killed mobs" take: usage: "&f/sobaf take (&cnick&f) (&cint&f) &eTake killed mobs" number-error: "&f/soaf take (nick) (&cint&f) &eTake killed mobs" success: "&fRemoved &6{count}&f killed mobs for player &e{username}" player-error: "&f/sobaf take (&cnick&f) (int) &eTake killed mobs" reset: usage: "&f/sobaf reset (&cnick&f/&call&f) &eReset killed mobs" success: "&fRemoved &6All &fkilled mobs for &e{username}" success2: "&fRemoved &6All &fkilled mobs for &eAll players" whitelist: enable: false list: - "test" # Bugs may occur if the values are very small triggerMobsCount: fixed: false fixedCount: 10 # If fixed is false plugin use random method with minimum and maximum count min: 10 max: 15 menu: title: "&aExample title" # Slots of random method with wrong and correct items verifySlots: - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 items: wrong: kickMessage: "&6We think you are a bot" displayName: "&cWrong" lore: - "" - "&f By clicking on this button you" - "&f confirm that you are a bot" - "" correct: # Set "" to disable actionbar successActionbar: "&aVerified!" displayName: "&aCorrect" lore: - "" - "&f By clicking on this button you" - "&f confirm that you are not a bot" - "" barrier: # Recommended "" displayName: "" slots: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 Додав Ciko Додано 13.09.24 Категорія Плагина
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