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Disable Scope of Scope Weapons

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Disable Scope of Scope Weapons

Плагін вимикає зброю, як-от AWP, розвідник тощо.



"PluginEnabled": true, // Enable/Disable Noscope plugin. (false = Disabled, true = Enabled)

"AlwaysDisableScope": false, // Always Disable Scope in the Server. (false = No, true = Yes)

"PlayerCanUseNsCmd": true, // Players Can use Noscope Command (!ns) to Enable/Disable Scope on themselves (0 = No, 1 = Yes)

"ShowYouCantScopeMsg": true, // Show Message When player try to Scope (0 = No, 1 = Yes)

"BulletTracers": true, // Enable/Disable Bullet Tracers. (false = Disabled, true = Enabled)

"AdminFlagtoForceNS": "@css/root", // Admin flag Which can Enable/Disable Scope of All Players by CMD (!noscope)

"ConfigVersion": 1 // Don't Change this



!ns - For Everyone to Enable/Disable Scope on themselves (Scope will always be disabled if "AlwaysDisableScope" is true in the config file)

!noscope - For Root Admin to Enable/Disable Scope for all Players (Scope will always disabled if "AlwaysDisableScope" is true in the config file)

css_noscope - For RCON (Console) to Enable/Disable Scope for all Players (Scope will always disabled if "AlwaysDisableScope" is true in the config file)


Додав Yurii

Додано 12.12.24

Категорія Плагина

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