Опубліковано 27 вересня, 202427 верес Перегляд файла ReviveMe ReviveMe - це плагін, який дозволяє оживити будь-яку тяжко поранену людину. З ним у вас з'явиться другий шанс врятувати своїх друзів та отримати ще більше задоволення Конфігурації: config.yml Спойлер ######################################################## ## | ___ \ (_) | \/ | ## ## | |_/ / ___ __ __ _ __ __ ___ | . . | ___ ## ## | / / _ \\ \ / /| |\ \ / / / _ \| |\/| | / _ \ ## ## | |\ \ | __/ \ V / | | \ V / | __/| | | || __/ ## ## \_| \_| \___| \_/ |_| \_/ \___|\_| |_/ \___| ## ######################################################## #Player configuration and general player_config: #speed that the player will have when injured. downed_speed: 0.04 #time in which the player will die if not revived. death_delay: 75 #Speed to revive the player (seconds) reliving_count: 10 #time in which the player is invulnerable. invulnerability_delay: 15 #You want to disable the totems enabled_totem: true #Should the totem be used first before being wounded? totem_first: true #the player could commit suicide by pressing "crouch" suicide_enable: true #How long you must hold down crouch to suicide. "0" is instadeath suicide_count: 5 #life that the player will have when injured downed_health: 0.5 #life that the player will have when revived revived_health: 4.0 #You can steal items from injured players with "crouch + right click" steal_items: false #minimum distance required to revive reliving_distance_min: 1.3 #maximum distance you can walk away while reviving before it is canceled reliving_distance_max: 5 #mobs can attack when you are knocked down? mobs_target_downed: false #Can the wounded man stop riding the picker? downed_can_dismount_picker: false #should the wounded die if there is no player nearby? check_nearby_players_before_downing: false #range in which a player should be to not die, if it is 0 the player will die if there is no one on the server and will not die if there is someone connected check_nearby_players_range: 100 #enable / disable world options. worlds_config: enabled: true #togle with: Blacklist/Whitelist mode: Blacklist list: - world1 - world2 #enable / disable commands options. commands_config: enabled: true #togle with: Blacklist/Whitelist mode: Blacklist list: - sethome - createhome - tpahere - tpaccept - tpyes - tpa #sounds configuration! sound_config: reliving: sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HARP volume: 1 yaw: 1 start_reliving: sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HARP volume: 1 yaw: 1 stop_reliving: sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HARP volume: 1 yaw: 1 sucess_relive: sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HARP volume: 1 yaw: 1 #compatibility with some plugins plugins_hooks: Citizens: enable: false downedNpc: false CrackShot: enable: false downed_use_weapon: false QualityArmory: enable: false downed_use_weapon: false plugin_config: metric: true update_message: true messages.yml Спойлер ####################################################################################### ## | ___ \ (_) | \/ | ## ## | |_/ / ___ __ __ _ __ __ ___ | . . | ___ ## ## | / / _ \\ \ / /| |\ \ / / / _ \| |\/| | / _ \ ## ## | |\ \ | __/ \ V / | | \ V / | __/| | | || __/ ## ## \_| \_| \___| \_/ |_| \_/ \___|\_| |_/ \___| ## ####################################################################################### victim_messages: downed: 'You have been seriously injured!' downed_for_player: '<enemy> has seriously injured you!' start_reliving: '<reviver> is reviving you.' stop_reliving: '<reviver> has stopped reviving you.' revived: 'You have been revived!' revived_for_player: 'You have been revived by <reviver>!' enemy_messages: downed: 'you have seriously injured <victim>' reviver_messages: start_reliving: 'You are reviving <victim>' stop_reliving: 'You stopped reviving <victim>' sucess_reliving: 'You have successfully revived <victim>' command_messages: downed: 'you have seriously injured <victim>' revived: 'You have successfully revived <victim>' kill: 'you killed <victim>' dont_permission: 'you dont have permission' plugin_messages: config_reloaded: 'configuration reloaded successfully!' status_messages: waiting: 'Waiting' reliving: 'Reliving' time_messages: second: 'second:seconds' minute: 'minute:minutes' hour: 'hour:hours' action_bar_messages: enabled: true text_with_invulnerability: '&b✙&a: <invulnerability> status: <status> &4☠&c: <death_delay_time>' text: 'status: <status>. &4☠&c: <death_delay_time> <bar1>' suicide_bar_message: enabled: true text: '&cDeath in <suicideBar>' scoreboard_messages: enabled: true #firsh line is title waiting_score_board: - '&aWaiting...' - '' - '&4☠&c: <death_delay_time>' - '' - '&b✙&a: <invulnerability_time>' - '' - '<bar1>' - '' - '<bar2>' reliving_score_board: - '&aReliving' - '' - '&4☠&c: <death_delay_time>' - '' - '&b✙&a: <invulnerability_time>' - '' - '<bar1>' - '' - '&eReliving: &e<reviver>' boss_bar_messages: enable: false waiting_boss_bar: progress_type: BossBarDeathDelay text: '&cWaiting for relive...' color: red style: solid reliving_boss_bar: progress_type: BossBarRelivingCount text: '&aReliving for <reviver>' color: green style: solid #You can create loading bars with the letters and symbols that you like the most, change their color and more. you can use as many as you like. #Modes RelivingCount, DeathDelay, SuicideCount bar_messages: bar1: first_char: '▌' second_char: '▌' first_color: '&a' second_color: '&7' amount: 20 bar: '&8&l&n|<chars>&8&l&n|' holder: '<bar1>' bar_mode: RelivingCount example_board: first_char: '《' second_char: '》' first_color: '&a' second_color: '&7' amount: 15 bar: '&8&l&n『<chars>&8&l&n』' holder: '<bar2>' bar_mode: RelivingCount suicide_bar: first_char: '☠' second_char: '☠' first_color: '&c' second_color: '&7' amount: 10 bar: '&8&l&n『<chars>&8&l&n』' holder: '<suicideBar>' bar_mode: SuicideCount #Messages that are sent in the title and subtitle of the screen title_messages: enabled: false waiting_title: '&cWaiting for reliving' waiting_subtitle: '&cdeath in <death_delay_time>' reliving_title: '&aReliving for <reviver>' reliving_subtitle: '<bar1>' Permissions.yml Спойлер ####################################################################################### ## | ___ \ (_) | \/ | ## ## | |_/ / ___ __ __ _ __ __ ___ | . . | ___ ## ## | / / _ \\ \ / /| |\ \ / / / _ \| |\/| | / _ \ ## ## | |\ \ | __/ \ V / | | \ V / | __/| | | || __/ ## ## \_| \_| \___| \_/ |_| \_/ \___|\_| |_/ \___| ## ####################################################################################### #ATENTION #When a enabled is "false" it means that players do not need to have the permission to perform the action. #Permission for injured players to be revived. revivable_player_permission: enabled: false permission: 'reviveme.revivable' #Permission players need to be able to revive a wounded reviver_player_permission: enabled: false permission: 'reviveme.reviver' #Permission that an injured person needs so that they can take with right click pickable_player_permission: enabled: false permission: 'reviveme.pickable' #Permission that a player needs to be able to take others on his shoulders picker_player_permission: enabled: false permission: 'reviveme.picker' #Permission the player needs to be knocked down downeable_player_permission: enabled: false permission: 'reviveme.downable' #Permission that the wounded person needs so that they can rob him with right click + crouch stealable_player_permission: enabled: false permission: 'reviveme.stealable' #Permission needed by the thief to open the injured person's inventory with right click + crouch robber_player_permission: enabled: true permission: 'reviveme.robber' events.yml У events.yml можна створювати функції для виконання команд або певних дій в деякі моменти гри. Спойлер ####################################################################################### ## | ___ \ (_) | \/ | ## ## | |_/ / ___ __ __ _ __ __ ___ | . . | ___ ## ## | / / _ \\ \ / /| |\ \ / / / _ \| |\/| | / _ \ ## ## | |\ \ | __/ \ V / | | \ V / | __/| | | || __/ ## ## \_| \_| \___| \_/ |_| \_/ \___|\_| |_/ \___| ## ####################################################################################### #Events: here you can execute commands and some functions depending on the type of situation that is happening. you have some examples that you can look at and learn from them. #conditions are functions that need to meet a condition for it to work. you also have an example with "PotionOwO" player_downed_event: enabled: true actions: - '[broadcast] player <victim> is downed! help her!' player_reliving_event: enabled: true actions: - '[particle] <victim> heart <victim_x> <victim_y> <victim_z> <victim_w> 1' - '[particle] <reviver> heart <victim_x> <victim_y> <victim_z> <victim_w> 1' player_start_reliving_event: enabled: false actions: - '[victim] msg <reviver> thanks!' player_stop_reliving_event: enabled: false actions: - '[victim] msg <reviver> sad :C' player_count_death_delay: enabled: true actions: - '[condition] potionOwO' player_revive_event: enabled: false actions: - '[reviver] msg <victim> lets go!' player_pickup_downed_event: enabled: false actions: - '[picker] msg <victim> a' player_drop_downed_event: enabled: false actions: - '[picker] msg <victim> b' conditions: potionOwO: condition: '%reviveme_death_delay% == 10' actions: - '[potion] <victim> blindness 11 1' example2: condition: '%player_name% == FavioMC19' actions: - '[console] rm revive FavioMC19' - '[console] heal FavioMC19' Команди та права плагіна ReviveMe: Спойлер /ReviveMe Help | право: 'reviveme.command.help' — отримайте список усіх команд, до яких ви маєте доступ /ReviveMe Revive <Нік гравця> | право: 'reviveme.command.revive' — відновити пораненого гравця /ReviveMe Down <Нік гравця> | право: 'reviveme.command.down' — Ви пораните гравця, щоб покласти його на підлогу /ReviveMe kill <Нік гравця> | право: 'reviveme.command.kill' - вбити гравця незалежно від його статусу /Reviveme suicide | право: 'reviveme.command.suicide' - ви робите самогубство, якщо не хочете чекати /ReviveMe reload | право: 'reviveme.command.reload' — перезавантаження всіх конфігурацій PlaceHolderAPI: Спойлер %reviveme_status% %reviveme_death_delay% %reviveme_invulnerability_delay% %reviveme_bar:<імя бара>% приклад %reviveme_bar:bar1% Додав Ciko Додано 27.09.24 Категорія Плагина Для версій 1.14.✘1.15.✘1.16.✘1.17.✘1.18.✘1.19.✘1.20.✘1.21.✘ Java
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