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PremiumVanish [2.9.14]

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 PremiumVanish ви можете стати повністю невидимим та невиявленим для інших гравців, при цьому більш ефективно виконуючи свою адміністративну роботу.

PremiumVanish - це не просто звичайний плагін для ванішу.
Він робить вас невиявленим та надає інструменти, які допомагають зловити порушників правил. Він розроблений, щоб бути повним, безпечним та надійним.

Права плагіна PremiumVanish:


/pv help - pv.help
/pv [on|off] - pv.use
/pv [on|off] <player> - pv.others
/pv list - pv.list
/pv login - pv.login
/pv logout - pv.logout
/pv tipu - pv.toggleitems
/pv recreatefiles - pv.recreatefiles
/pv reload - pv.reload
/pv target <гравець> - pv.target
/pv unlock - pv.unlock
/pv tptg - pv.tptg
/pv printstacktrace - pv.printstacktrace
/pv setlevel - pv.setlevel
/pv scoreboard - pv.togglescoreboard
Прапорці команди для /pv [on|off] і /pv [on|off] <player>:
-t з дозволом pv.showintab
- s з дозволу pv.silent

Конфігурація плагіна PremiumVanish:

Конфігурація поділена на messages.yml для повідомлень та config.yml для налаштувань. На bungeecord файл конфігурації premiumvanish називається configuration.yml.

# PremiumVanish v2.7.17 - Configuration
############# Invisibility Features ##############
  # Should invisible players get night vision? (client-side)
  NightVisionEffect: true
  # Should PV disable damage for invisible players?
  DisableDamage: true
  # Should PV disable hunger for invisible players?
  DisableHunger: true
  # Should PV prevent mobs from targeting invisible players?
  DisableMobTarget: true
  # Should invisible players not be able to stop the placement of blocks at their location?
  # While this stops other players from revealing invisible players by spamming blocks around them
  # it can also be abused since it allows placing blocks at impossible locations
  DisablePreventBlockPlacement: true
  # Should invisible players only be able to send chat messages if the message ends with the following character?
  # You can set this to 'deny' to cancel the message in any case.
  # Please leave this empty if you'd like to disable the feature.
  RequireChatMessageSuffix: "/"
  # Should invisible players open chests and shulker boxes without the animation and sound?
  # This makes them go into spectator mode temporarily. It's better to only give access to this feature
  # to staff members since a server crash can cause players to stay in spectator mode.
  # Permission: pv.silentchest
  OpenChestsSilently: true
  # Should invisible players be able to open a player's inventory by right-clicking the player?
  # Permission: pv.openplayerinv
  OpenPlayerInventoryOnRightClick: true
  # Should invisible players be able to edit inventories (including their own) even if they're in spectator mode?
  # Permission: pv.spectatoreditinv
  AllowSpectatorInventoryEdit: true
  # Should invisible players not be able to trigger pressure plates and tripwire?
  # If this feature is enabled invisible players can't trigger pressure plates and tripwire.
  DisablePressurePlates: true
  # Should invisible players not be able to push other players or be able to be pushed?
  # WARNING: Uses the scoreboard and may conflict with other plugins!
  DisablePush: false
  # Should invisible players be hidden in the tablist?
  # IMPORTANT: Not every player hider supports showing invisible players
  # in the tablist, please use the Interception hider to be able to turn this off and to activate the -t flag
  # (see the INVISIBILITY METHOD section below)
  # If this is true, you can still be visible in the tablist using the "/pv -t" command flag (Requires pv.showintab).
  # You can combine it with "-s" (Requires pv.silent) to silently vanish without being hidden in tab.
  HideInTablist: true
  # Should players who vanished with the -t (showInTab) flag be fully hidden again after a rejoin?
  # Command flags are stored locally and only affect the server you vanished on.
  ResetShowInTabOnQuit: true
  # Should invisible players be hidden in the game?
  # IMPORTANT: Not every player hider supports showing invisible players
  # in the game, please use the Interception hider to be able to turn this off
  # (see the INVISIBILITY METHOD section below)
  # Please note that not hiding players in-game but hiding them in tab will lead to them being
  # visible in the tablist for a split second whenever they move into viewing range.
  # This is needed since the skin information of a player is transferred with the tablist packets.
  HideInGame: true
  # If HideInTablist is turned off, should players who can't see you not be able to
  # see you as a spectator in the tablist even if you are in spectator mode?
  HideSpectatorMode: true
  # Should vanished players pick up items by default? This can be changed individually with /pv tipu
  DefaultPickUpItemsOption: false
  # The commands to execute when a player vanishes (online or offline)
  # These commands are ran by console by default, you can use %p% to get the player's name.
  # You can also prefix the command with [P] to make the player run the command
  # instead of the console (player online only)
  # You can remove the # to make it a list if you'd like to enable this
#  - examplecommand
#  - examplecommand2
  # The commands to execute when a player reappears (online or offline)
  # These commands are ran by console by default, you can use %p% to get the player's name.
  # You can also prefix the command with [P] to make the player run the command
  # instead of the console (player online only)
  # You can remove the # to make it a list if you'd like to enable this
#  - examplecommand
#  - examplecommand2
  # You can make any command not execute and instead return a custom message if an argument is a vanished
  # player's name. Useful for faking 'Player not found' messages if there are unsupported plugins.
  # You can use <vanished> as a placeholder for any vanished player's name.
  # Any message which STARTS WITH the text you define below (case-insensitive) will
  # be cancelled and will instead send the sender of the command a message you specify.
  # The /plugin:command syntax is covered automatically.
  # This is server-sided, for bungeecord commands go to the Bungee's PV config
    '/examplemsg1 <vanished>': "&cPlayer not found"
  # For how many seconds should players not be able to take environmental damage after they reappear?
  # e.g. fall damage or lava damage; Set to 0 to disable it
  DisableEnvironmentalDamageAfterReappear: 5
  # Should vanished players not be required to sleep for other players to wake up?
  SetSleepingIgnored: true
  # Should vanished players switch between their current gamemode and spectator mode when they
  # press shift twice? Permission: pv.switch
  SwitchGamemode: true
  # Should advancement announcements of vanished players only be shown to players who can see the vanished player?
  HideAdvancements: true
  # Should vanished players be unable to trigger the vibration of a sculk sensor?
  PreventSculkSensorActivation: true
############# Vanish State Features ##############
  # Should players with the permission 'pv.joinvanished' join vanished all the time?
  # Might not work if you use GroupManager for permissions
  AutoVanishOnJoin: false
  # Should invisible players reappear automatically when they change their world?
  ReappearOnWorldChange: false
  # Should invisible players without 'pv.bypassreappearonquit' reappear automatically when they leave the server?
  ReappearOnQuit: false
  # Should invisible players reappear automatically
  # when they change their world and don't have the permission 'pv.use' anymore?
  CheckPermissionOnWorldChange: false
  # Should invisible players reappear automatically
  # when they leave the server and don't have the permission 'pv.use' anymore?
  CheckPermissionOnQuit: false
  # Should invisible players reappear automatically
  # when they join the server and don't have the permission 'pv.use' anymore?
  # Doesn't work if you use GroupManager for permissions
  CheckPermissionOnLogin: false
############## Indication Features ###############
    # Should players with the permission 'pv.see' be able to see invisible players in the tablist & in-game?
    EnableSeePermission: true
    # Should pv.use and pv.see be layered? => pv.use.levelX, pv.see.levelX
    # Players can see a vanished player if their see level is higher or equal to the other player's use level
    # Note: You have to rejoin for changes to take effect if you changed those permissions while being online
    LayeredSeeAndUsePermissions: false
    # What should be the highest level for both permissions?
    # Lower amounts might improve performance with more players since they reduce the amount of permission checks
    MaxLevel: 100
    # If LayeredSeeAndUsePermissions is enabled, should /pv list only show players which the command sender is
    # allowed to see and should players only be able to toggle the invisibility of players which they are allowed
    # to see (Only affects online players)?
    HideInvisibleInCommands: false
    # Should PremiumVanish iterate through all the permissions of a player instead of checking for all
    # possible layered permissions? Enabling this may or may not improve PV's performance.
    # Warning: Enabling this may break PV depending on your permissions plugin
    AlternatePermissionChecking: false
    # Should you require the permission pv.setlevel.level<LEVEL> to set your level to <LEVEL>?
    # Example: The permissions 'pv.setlevel' and 'pv.setlevel.level3' are required to use '/pv setlevel 3'
    StrictSetLevelPermissionChecking: false
  # Should vanished players show up dark gray in the tablist and should only their head be visible?
  # Only players who are allowed to see the player will see this effect; this helps other staff with
  # differentiating them from players they should talk to
  # If this feature causes conflicts with tablist/nametag plugins, you can try the next setting instead
  MarkVanishedPlayersAsSpectators: true
  # Should vanished players show up as glowing? It's recommended to turn off the TargetGlows option of the
  # scoreboard to avoid conflicts when using this
  MarkVanishedPlayersWithGlow: false
########### Survival Friendly Features ###########
    # Should invisible players with the permission pv.fly be able to fly even if they aren't in creative/spectator mode?
    Enable: true
    # Should invisible players WITHOUT the permission 'pv.keepfly' lose the ability to fly on reappear?
    DisableOnReappear: true
    # The gamemode which players will get when they vanish
    # 'Default' applies for every world which isn't mentioned below
    # !! Warning: World names are case-sensitive !!
    # KEEP won't change the gamemode in any way
      Default: KEEP
      ExampleWorld123: SPECTATOR
    # The gamemode which players will get when they reappear
    # 'Default' applies for every world which isn't mentioned below
    # KEEP won't change the gamemode in any way
      Default: KEEP
      AnotherExampleWorld2: SURVIVAL
    # Should PV update the gamemode 1 tick after a player joins/changes their world?
    # The new gamemode will depend on the player's new world, as defined above
    # Helpful if you want to force players to be in a gamemode in a specific world
    # or if another plugin interferes with PV.
    ReApplyGameModeChangeOnWorldChange: true
    ReApplyGameModeChangeOnJoin: true
    # Should the gamemode change when you join vanished [I]because of[/I] your pv.joinvanished permission?
    # Ignores the two settings above.
    AlwaysApplyOnJoinVanished: true
    # Should vanished players be teleported back to where they vanished when they reappear?
    # The location is saved in the playerdata.yml file and is therefore safe in case of a restart/crash
    # Bypass permission: pv.bypassteleportback
    TeleportBackOnReappear: false
################ Message Options #################
    # Should PV broadcast any kind of announcement (fake quit or player vanished) when a player vanishes?
    # You can change the messages in the messages.yml file.
    BroadcastMessageOnVanish: true
    # Should PV broadcast any kind of announcement (fake join or player reappeared) when a player reappears?
    # You can change the messages in the messages.yml file.
    BroadcastMessageOnReappear: true
    # Should players with permission to see the player get an announcement instead of a fake join/quit message?
    # The vanishing/reappearing player will always get the fake join/quit message.
    AdminsGetAnnouncementInstead: true
    # Should there only be announcements and no fake join/quit messages?
    # This means players without permission to see the player don't get any message.
    DontSendFakeJoinQuit: false
    # Should there only be fake join/quit messages and no announcements?
    # This means players with permission to see the player don't get any message.
    DontSendAdminAnnouncements: false
    # Should PV hide the real join/quit messages of invisible players?
    HideRealJoinQuitMessages: true
    # Should players with permission to see a vanished player get an announcement when they actually join/quit?
    AnnounceRealJoinQuit: true
    # Should PV still hide quit messages for invisible players if 'VanishStateFeatures->ReappearOnQuit' is turned on?
    # Overrides 'HideRealJoinQuitMessages'
    ReappearOnQuitHideMessage: true
    # Should PV remind players who join the server vanished of being invisible (in chat)?
    # You can change the message in the messages.yml file.
    RemindVanishedOnJoin: true
  # Should invisible players have an action bar which tells them that they're invisible?
  # You can change the action bar in the messages.yml file.
  DisplayActionBar: true
############## Restrictive Options ###############
  # Should invisible players not be able to break blocks?
  # Bypass permission: pv.breakblocks
  PreventBlockBreaking: false
  # Should invisible players not be able to place blocks?
  # Bypass permission: pv.placeblocks
  PreventBlockPlacing: false
  # Should invisible players not be able to interact with doors, levers, buttons, note blocks, etc?
  # Doesn't prevent opening containers
  # Bypass permission: pv.useblocks
  PreventBlockUse: false
  # Should invisible players not be able to interact with anything
  # (blocks, buttons, pressure plates, chests, block breaking/placing, noteblocks, doors, ...)
  # This setting overrides the three settings above
  # Bypass permission: pv.interact
  PreventInteract: false
  # Should invisible players not be able to damage players or mobs?
  # Bypass permission: pv.damage
  PreventHittingEntities: false
  # Should invisible players not be able to drop items?
  # Bypass permission: pv.dropitems
  PreventDroppingItems: false
  # Should invisible players not be able to modify their own inventory?
  # Bypass permission: pv.modifyowninv
  PreventModifyingOwnInventory: false
  # Should invisible players not be able to modify containers or other player's inventories?
  # Overrides InvisibilityFeatures.AllowSpectatorInventoryEdit
  # Bypass permission: pv.modifyotherinv
  PreventModifyingOtherInventory: false
  # Should invisible players not be able to tp to other players using the spectator menu?
  # Bypass permission: pv.spectatortp
  PreventSpectatorTeleporting: false
  # Should invisible players in creative mode not be able to cheat items?
  # Bypass permission: pv.creativeitems
  PreventCreativeItemGrab: false
  # Should invisible players not be able to view their coordinates? (client-side)
  # Bypass permission: pv.viewcoords
  HiddenCoordinates: false
    # Which commands should vanished players not be able to use?
    # This blocks the 'plugin:command' syntax too but not aliases
    # Bypass permission: pv.bypasscmd
    - examplecommand123test
    - anotherexamplecommand123
    # Should vanished players only be able to use the commands listed above instead?
    UseAsWhitelist: false
############# External Invisibility ##############
    # Please use PremiumVanish's bungeecord configuration instead if you use Bungeecord.
    # Should this plugin adjust the amount of players in the serverlist? (-1 per invisible player)
    AdjustAmountOfOnlinePlayers: true
    # Should this plugin hide invisible players in the list of logged in players?
    # You can view this list when your mouse hovers over the amount of online players.
    AdjustListOfLoggedInPlayers: true
############### Scoreboard Options ###############
  # Disable this if you don't need PremiumVanish's scoreboard features
  # You can also toggle your scoreboard with the '/pv scoreboard' command
  # Note: If you are disabling this because it causes problems with other scoreboards/prefixes
  # then you probably want to disable 'DisablePush' above as well since it uses the scoreboard too
  Enable: true
  # Should players require the permission pv.scoreboard to view the scoreboard?
  Permission: false
    # The header/title of the scoreboard, default: '&6>       PremiumVanish       <'
    # The length cannot be longer than 32 characters(including color codes) but can cause flickering
    # if it isn't longer than the lines below it
    ScoreboardHeader: "&6>       PremiumVanish       <"
    # The lines of PremiumVanish's scoreboard
    # Prefix a line with a # if it should only show up if there is a target (the placeholders will
    # also be based on the target)
    # A line can never be longer than 32 characters (watch out for player names, which can be up to 16 chars long)
    # All general placeholders that work in the messages.yml file work here, too.
    # Additionally to the messages.yml placeholders you can use %target% and %locked% (if the target has been fixed).
    - ""
    - "&aTarget: &f%target% %locked%"
    - "#"
    # The color of the ping is based on how good the ping is, use %plain_ping% for no colors; same with tps
    - "#&aPing: &f%ping%"
    - ""
    - "&aTPS: &f%tps%"
    - "#"
    - "#&aHealth: &f%health%/%maxhealth%hp"
    - ""
    - "&aTime: &f%time{hh:mma | yyyy/MM/dd}%"
    - ""
    # The interval between each update of the info on the scoreboard
    # in ticks, decreasing this might decrease performance slightly
    # 20 ticks equals to 1 second, default: 5
    InfoUpdateInterval: 5
    # Should the scoreboard show information about the closest player automatically?
    # If you're spectating, this option would always show the info of the player you're currently spectating.
    # Permission to be exempted from being targeted automatically: pv.exempttarget
    AutoTargetClosestPlayer: true
    # Should you target players when you right-click them?
    # If both this option and 'OpenPlayerInventoryOnRightClick' is enabled then you
    # are still able to lock a player by sneaking and right-clicking the player.
    # (In spectator mode you can press space and shift at the same time for the same effect)
    # If 'AutoTargetClosestPlayer' is enabled then it will stop targeting the closest player when
    # you right-click a player until you type '/pv unlock', same for /pv target <player> even if this option
    # is disabled
    TargetOnRightClick: true
    # Should your current target glow (only you see this effect)?
    TargetGlows: true
################## Hook Options ##################
  # Should PV hide invisible players in /who, /list, /online, /near, etc?
  # Note: Players with the permission essentials.vanish.interact can still see invisible players in these commands
  # Important: You have to reload both PV and Essentials if you change this setting (reload PV first)
  EnableEssentialsHook: true
  # Should PV hide invisible players on your dynamic map and broadcast join/leave messages if you use Dynmap?
  EnableDynmapHook: true
  # Should PV send fake join/leave messages in dynmap's web-chat?
  # You can configure the join/leave messages in the messages.yml file
  DynmapSendJoinLeaveMessages: true
  # Should PV prevent players from being invisible and disguised at the same time? (LibsDisguises commands)
  # It's recommended to keep this turned on to prevent incompatibility.
  EnableLibsDisguisesHook: true
  # Should PV prevent players from being invisible and disguised at the same time? (DisguiseCraft commands)
  # It's recommended to keep this turned on to prevent incompatibility.
  EnableDisguiseCraftHook: true
  # Should PV hook into TrailGUI and disable trails while you're vanished?
  EnableTrailGUIHook: true
  # Should PV hook into SuperTrails and disable trails while you're vanished?
  EnableSuperTrailsHook: true
  # Should PV hook into PlaceholderAPI and add new placeholders to PV + register its own ones for other plugins?
  # Own ones: isvanished, vanishedplayers, playercount, bungeeplayercount, bungeeplayercount@<server>,
  #           playercountwithoutshowintab, target, uselevel, seelevel
  # Format: %premiumvanish_<placeholder>%
  # The bungee placeholders require PV to be installed on bungee and set up with a MySQL database on all servers.
  # They neither account for the showintab flag nor for the amount of vanished players that you are allowed to see.
  # The result of the isvanished placeholder can be edited by changing HelpConsoleYes/No in the messages.yml file.
  EnablePlaceholderAPIHook: true
  # Should PV hook into MVdWPlaceholderAPI and add new placeholders to PV + register its own ones for other
  # plugins?
  # Own ones: isvanished, vanishedplayers, playercount, bungeeplayercount, bungeeplayercount@<server>,
  #           playercountwithoutshowintab, target, uselevel, seelevel
  # Format: {premiumvanish_<placeholder>}
  # The bungee placeholders require PV to be installed on bungee and set up with a MySQL database on all servers.
  # They neither account for the showintab flag nor for the amount of vanished players that you are allowed to see.
  # The result of the isvanished placeholder can be edited by changing HelpConsoleYes/No in the messages.yml file.
  EnableMVdWPlaceholderAPIHook: true
  # Should PV stop NPCs from greeting or talking about hidden players?
  EnableCitizensHook: true
  # Should PV hook into CustomParticleEffects and disable particles while you're vanished?
  EnableCustomParticleEffectsHook: true
  # Should PV use NametagEdit's API to prevent incompatibilities with its prefixes/suffixes?
  EnableNametagEditHook: true
  # Should PV hook into FeatherBoard to prevent incompatibilities with its scoreboard?
  EnableFeatherBoardHook: true
  # Should PV hook into EnjinMinecraftPlugin to prevent vanished players from showing up on its website?
  EnableEnjinMinecraftPluginHook: true
  # Should PV hook into CMI to prevent vanished players from entering AFK state?
  EnableCMIHook: true
  # Should PV hook into DiscordSRV to broadcast fake join/quit messages on Discord?
  EnableDiscordSRVHook: true
  # Should PV hook into TitleManager to prevent incompatibilities with its scoreboard?
  EnableTitleManagerHook: true
############## Invisibility Method ###############
  # The method of hiding players; Available methods: Prevention, Interception, Hybrid
  # 'Prevention': Uses Bukkit's API to hide players, this is an extremely reliable method if other plugins don't break it.
  # This method ALWAYS hides invisible players in the tablist for players that can't see them.
  # The chance that another plugin breaks this method is medium depending on the amount and type of plugins.
  # > Recommended if other hiders cause issues; other plugins can break this method though
  # (Accuracy: 95%) (Plugin compatibility: 80%) (Uses game layer invisibility)
  # 'Interception': Uses ProtocolLib to hide players. Takes the whole packet stuff into its own hands to cancel every
  # single packet of hidden players.
  # This method CAN show invisible players in the tablist for players who can't see them if that's enabled.
  # Hard to break, however, other plugins might not provide direct support for this hider
  # It's important to note that Essentials might not recognize vanished players as vanished in its commands with this hider.
  # > Recommended if you want to show invisible players in the tablist
  # (Accuracy: 95%) (Plugin compatibility: 90%) (Uses protocol layer invisibility)
  # 'Hybrid: Uses both ProtocolLib and Bukkit's API to hide players, this method does NOT support showing players
  # in the tablist but it contains two layers of security and is therefore an extremely effective method.
  # The chance that another plugin breaks this method is extremely small
  # > Default hider; Recommended if you don't want to show invisible players in the tablist
  # (Accuracy: 100%) (Plugin compatibility: 98%) (Uses game and protocol layer invisibility) - DEFAULT
  PlayerHider: "Hybrid"
  # Note: Even 'Hybrid' can't stop players from figuring out whether invisible players are online if another
  # plugin tells them but players will never be able to see them at all or figure out their location
  # (Essentials is 99% compatible)
  # Advanced section which affects the protocol layer invisibility for the Interception and Hybrid hiders
    # Which protocol layer invisibility modules should be disabled?
    # You can disable some modules here if they are causing issues or aren't supported on
    # your server after an update or if you are using the Interception hider and simply don't want players
    # to be invisible in some regards.
    # You are unlikely to note invisibility changes here if you are using the Hybrid hider since it also has
    # game layer invisibility which isn't affected here
    # It's recommended to instead use the HideInTablist/Game options if that's what you want to change
    # Physical appearance in the game
#    - GeneralEntity
    # Sounds in the world
#    - NamedSoundEffect
    # Tablist entry (includes hide spectator mode feature)
    # Please uncomment this if you are using Maximvdw's Tab or AnimatedNames plugin and have issues with nametags
#    - PlayerInfo
    # Info about player prefixes, suffixes, etc (formerly 'StrictInvisibility'); this is
    # disabled by default since it is very likely to cause issues with nametag/prefix plugins
    # Comment this out (enable it) if it doesn't cause issues, since it can prevent vanished player information leaks
    - ScoreboardTeam
    # Tab completion suggestions (formerly 'DisableHandlingOfTabulatorPackets')
    # Enable this module if you don't use bungeecord. It's disabled by default to prevent issues with bungee
    - TabComplete
    # Particles in the world
#    - WorldParticles
############# Compatibility Options ##############
  # This section is for advanced users only!
  # The event priority which PremiumVanish should use for the specific event.
  # Allowed values are LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, HIGHEST and MONITOR
  # Higher priorities might override other plugins while lower ones might not
  # The priority for removing the join message
  PlayerJoinEventPriority: HIGH # <- keep HIGH if you use Essentials to modify join/quit messages !!
  # The priority for removing the quit message
  PlayerQuitEventPriority: HIGH
  # The priority for cancelling chat messages
  AsyncPlayerChatEventPriority: HIGH
  # The priority for cancelling commands
  PlayerCommandPreprocessEventPriority: HIGH
  # A whitelist of command usages where it should be allowed to tab-complete vanished players that you can't see.
  # You can use this for commands that generally tab-complete any player, online or not.
  # This section is for advanced users only and uses regular expressions.
  # For changes to apply you need to change this on all spigot servers and on the bungee if you're using bungee.
    - "/(ps|plotsquared|p2|2|plotme|plot|p)\\s(visit|v|tp|teleport|goto|warp).*"
############# Miscellaneous Options ##############
    # Should PremiumVanish store its data in a MySQL-Database and enable Bungeecord support?
    # Bungeecord is not required for this feature but it's recommended!
    # PremiumVanish will be disabled if this is enabled and the connection to the database failed.
    # Important: Please make sure that ip-forwarding is enabled on your Bungee AND your Bukkit servers.
    # It's also important that your database is firewalled so it's not accessible from the internet.
    Enable: false
    # The ip of your database server
    Ip: ""
    # The port of your database, usually 3306; just leave it empty if there is no specific port
    Port: "3306"
    # You can make PremiumVanish ignore the two options above and use a direct URI to connect instead
    # Format for MySQL servers: jdbc:mysql://<yourIp>:<yourPort>/<yourDatabase>?useSSL=false
    CustomURI: ""
    # The name of your database user
    User: ""
    # The password of your database user
    # WARNING: Please make sure only people who are allowed to know the password can access this file
    Password: ""
    # The name of the database which PremiumVanish should create its tables in
    # Note: PremiumVanish won't create this database, it must be pre-created using eg. phpMyAdmin
    Database: ""
    # Not recommended; Makes PV use the standard JDBC connector instead of the more powerful multi-pooled HikariCP one
    # You can give this a try if you have strange problems with connecting to your database
    BasicDatabaseConnector: false
    # Should PV prevent spamming commands which can cause lag or spam the console?
    # Bypass permission: pv.bypassspam
    # ("/pv list" (if mysql is enabled), "/pv [on|off] <Player>" (mysql), "/pv reload" (+5secs), "/pv printstacktrace")
    AntiSpamCheck: true
    # If so, how many seconds should players have to wait before running such a command again?
    AntiSpamDelay: 1
    # Should AntiSpam always cover actions which toggle vanish? e.g. /pv, /pv <Player>
    AlwaysCoverVanish: false
    # What should be PremiumVanish's main command?
    Name: "pv"
    # A list of possible aliases
    - "premiumvanish"
    - "v"
    - "vanish"
    # Should the aliases defined above override same-named commands of other plugins?
    ForceOverrideForAliases: true
    # Should PV check for updates on spigot regularly? There is no automatic update; this just informs you
    Enable: true
    # Should players with the permission 'pv.notify' get notified if the current version of PV is outdated?
    NotifyAdmins: true
################# Do Not Touch ###################
ConfigVersion: 2.7.17


# PremiumVanish v2.7.22 - Messages
# Information:
# <..> means that .. is required; [..] means that .. is optional and can be left out; | INSIDE [] or <> stands for 'OR'
# You can use the & character for color codes. Example: '&cThe color of this text would be red!'
# You can use #XXXXXX for HEX color codes. Example: '#663EF6This text would be purple!'
# You can use %p% to get the player's name. Example: '&4&l%p%, you aren't allowed to execute this command!'
# You can use %other% to get the name of the target or cause
# You can use %d% to get the player's display name. If you use Essentials then the display name contains the prefix too
# You can use %tab% to get the player's name in the player list (TAB)
# You can use %prefix% to get the player's prefix (Requires Vault)
# You can use %suffix% to get the player's suffix (Requires Vault)
# You can use %group% to get the player's group (Requires Vault)
# You can use %nick% to get the player's nickname (Requires Essentials)
# You can use %special{<text>|<hoverMessage>|[clickCommand]|[run|suggest]}% to create a clickable/hoverable
#  message part for any message (only one per message possible)
# You can use %time{<format>}% to get the current time (Uses the server's timezone)
#  Replace <format> with the date format of your choice. Example: %time{hh:mma | yyyy/MM/dd}%
#  More info: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html
# You can use %uselevel% and %seelevel% to get the player's respective vanish level (with LayeredPermissions)
# There is also %health%, %maxhealth%, %tps%, %plain_tps%, %ping% and %plain_ping%
# Some messages allow different, unique variables too
# NOTE: You can get WAY more placeholders by installing PlaceholderAPI or MVdWPlaceholderAPI
# You can also make any message dependent on a player's group by adding 'PerGroup' in front of the message:
# PerGroupNoPermission:
#   Admin: 'What, this should not happen you are the Admin!'
#   Player: 'You have like no permissions anyway'
#   Silence: ''
#   Default: 'Access denied.'
# You can start a message with [JSON] to send JSON text directly.
# Example: '[JSON]{"text":"Welcome %p%","color":"yellow"}'
# Empty messages will not be sent.
# Using \n starts a new line.
# Important:
# You must double single quotes if you want to use them inside a message.
# You must NOT use any tab characters inside this file (indent key) otherwise YAML will spam your console with errors!
# !! If there are errors in the console after editing this file paste it into an online YAML parser to see if
# there are any YAML syntax errors !!
  NoPermission: '&4Denied access! You are not allowed to do this.'
  InvalidUsage: '&cInvalid usage, you can use %special{&6''/pv help''|&6Click here for help!|/pv help|suggest}% &cfor help.'
  VanishMessage: '&e%p% left the game'
  ReappearMessage: '&e%p% joined the game'
  VanishMessageWithPermission: '&a[PV] %p% vanished.'
  ReappearMessageWithPermission: '&a[PV] %p% reappeared.'
  OnVanish: '&aYou are now invisible! (%time{hh:mm a}%)'
  OnReappear: '&aYou are no longer invisible! (%time{hh:mm a}%)'
  OnVanishCausedByOtherPlayer: '&a%other% hid you, you are now invisible!'
  OnReappearCausedByOtherPlayer: '&a%other% showed you, you are now visible!'
  AlreadyVanishedError: '&cYou are already invisible!'
  NotVanishedError: '&cYou are not invisible!'
  AppliedSilentFlag: '  &eUsing flag -s: No fake join/quit broadcast'
  AppliedShowInTabFlag: '  &eUsing flag -t: Not hidden in the tablist'
  SilentJoinMessageForAdmins: '&a[PV] %p% joined silently.'
  SilentQuitMessageForAdmins: '&a[PV] %p% left silently.'
  RemindingMessage: '&aYou are still invisible!'
  ListMessagePrefix: '&aInvisible Players:&f '
  ActionBarMessage: '&aYou are invisible to other players!'
  HideOtherMessage: '&aPlayer &e%other%&a is now invisible!'
  ShowOtherMessage: '&aPlayer &e%other%&a is now visible!'
  CannotHideOtherPlayer: '&cYou''re not allowed to change %other%''s visibility!'
  AlreadyInvisibleMessage: '&cPlayer &e%other%&c is already invisible!'
  AlreadyVisibleMessage: '&cPlayer &e%other%&c is already visible!'
  PluginReloaded: '&aSuccessfully reloaded PremiumVanish (%time%ms)!'
  InvalidSender: '&cYou must be a player to execute this command!'
  PlayerNotOnline: '&cThat player is not online!'
  PlayerNonExistent: '&cThat player doesn''t exist!'
  TeleportationFailed: '&cYour teleportation failed because another plugin disallowed it.'
  ToggledPickingUpItemsOn: '&ePicking up items is now turned &aON&e.'
  ToggledPickingUpItemsOff: '&ePicking up items is now turned &cOFF&e.'
  UpdateWarning: '&cWarning! Recreating %updates% resets %changes%. Please use &e/pv recreatefiles confirm&c if you''d like to continue.'
  RecreatedConfig: '&aSuccessfully recreated %updates%! Please check %changes%.'
  NoConfigUpdateAvailable: '&eYour PremiumVanish-files are up to date!'
  RecreationRequiredMsg: '&c[PV] Your PremiumVanish-files are not up to date. You can use &e/pv recreatefiles&c to recreate them
  or click %special{&6here|&6Click here to dismiss this message!|/pv recreatefiles dismiss|suggest}% &cto dismiss this message.
  Recreating PremiumVanish''s files is optional and gives you access to newer config settings and messages of the plugin.
  If you don''t want to redo the entire config files you can also copy in new messages/settings manually
  (see default config files in resource description).'
  DismissedRecreationWarning: '&eYou are no longer receiving notifications about this recreation.'
  UndismissedRecreationWarning: '&eYou are now receiving notifications about this recreation.'
  MustBeVanished: '&cYou must be invisible to use this command!'
  ScoreboardDisabled: '&cThe scoreboard has been disabled in the configuration.'
  NoTarget: '&cYou don''t have any target at the moment!'
  NoLockedTarget: '&cYou don''t have any locked target at the moment!'
  UnlockedPlayer: '&6Successfully unlocked your target!'
  TargetedPlayer: '&eSuccessfully targeted the player ''&a%other%&e''!'
  ScoreboardLockedTarget: '&e[L]'
  ScoreboardNoTarget: 'None'
  ToggledScoreboardOn: '&eYour vanish scoreboard is now turned &aON&e.'
  ToggledScoreboardOff: '&eYour vanish scoreboard is now turned &cOFF&e.'
  PrintedStacktrace: '&eSuccessfully created a stacktrace, see console!'
  ChatMessageWarning: '&c[PV] Your message must end with a %char% to be sent!'
  ChatMessageWarning2: '&cPlease click %special{&6here|&6Click here to send your message!|%message%/|suggest}% &cto send the message.'
  ChatMessageDenied: '&c[PV] You can''t send messages in vanish! %special{&6[Reappear]|&eClick here to reappear!|/pv off|suggest}%'
  CommandAccessDenied: '&c[PV] You can''t use this command in vanish!'
  CreativeItemDenied: '&c[PV] You can''t cheat items in vanish!'
  SpectatorTeleportDenied: '&c[PV] You can''t teleport using the spectator menu in vanish!'
  EntityHitDenied: '&c[PV] You can''t hit players or mobs in vanish!'
  BlockInteractDenied: '&c[PV] You can''t interact with this block in vanish!'
  BlockUseDenied: '&c[PV] You can''t use this block in vanish!'
  BlockPlaceDenied: '&c[PV] You can''t place blocks in vanish!'
  BlockBreakDenied: '&c[PV] You can''t break blocks in vanish!'
  InventoryModifyDenied: '&c[PV] You can''t edit this inventory in vanish!'
  MessageFailedAntiSpam: '&c[PV] Please slow down and wait at least %time% before running this command again.'
  SwitchedGameMode: '&a[PV] Switched gamemode (Double-Shift)'
  PluginOutdated: '&c[PV] Your current version of PremiumVanish is outdated. New version: ''%new%''; Currently: ''%current%'''
  NoDatabaseConnection: '&c[PV] Error: Failed to connect to the database, more info in console.'
  DynmapFakeJoin: '%d% joined'
  DynmapFakeQuit: '%d% quit'
  HelpHeader: '&e<&f---------------&6PremiumVanish-Help&f-----------------&e>'
  HelpHint: '&7You can hover over a command to show more information about it and click on a command to
  insert it into your chat.'
  HelpCommands: '&eCommands:'
  HelpCommandFormat: '%special{&a- &c%usage% &b%shortdesc%|&a%usage%\n&f%longdesc%\n&4Permission:&e
  %permission%\n&2Console:&e %console%|%usage%|suggest}%'
#    '/pv help': 'Custom short description; Keep the indentation, only remove the hashtag!'
#    '/pv target <player>': 'Custom long description'
  HelpConsoleYes: 'Yes'
  HelpConsoleNo: 'No'
  HelpOtherPermissions: '%special{&e> Other permissions <|&aOther permissions%permissions%}%'
  HelpOtherPermissionsPermissionsFormat: '\n&c%permission% &e> &f%description%'
  HelpFooter: ''
  InvalidVanishLevel: "&c'%arg%' is not a valid vanish level (Maximum=%maxlevel%)."
  SetVanishLevelDenied: "&cYou are not allowed to set your level to %level%!"
  LayeredPermissionsDisabled: "&cLayered permissions must be enabled in the config."
  SetVanishLevel: "&aYou set your vanish level to %level%!"
  DiscordSRVFakeQuit: "&e%p% left the game"
  DiscordSRVFakeJoin: "&e%p% joined the game"
MessagesVersion: 2.7.22


# PremiumVanish v2.7.7 - Bungeecord proxy extension config
    # The credentials for the database, make sure to use the same database for PV on any bukkit/bungee server.
    # This has to be enabled for this plugin to work on bungeecord.
    # Important: Please make sure that ip-forwarding is enabled on your Bungee AND your Bukkit servers.
    # It's also important that your database is firewalled so it's not accessible from the internet.
    Enable: true
    # The ip of your database server
    Ip: ""
    # The port of your database, usually 3306; just leave it empty if there is no specific port
    Port: "3306"
    # You can make PremiumVanish ignore the two options above and use a direct URI to connect instead
    # Format for MySQL servers: jdbc:mysql://<yourIp>:<yourPort>/<yourDatabase>?useSSL=false
    CustomURI: ""
    # The name of your database user
    User: ""
    # The password of your database user
    # WARNING: Please make sure only people who are allowed to know the password can access this file
    Password: ""
    # The name of the database which PremiumVanish should create its tables in
    # Note: PremiumVanish won't create this database, it must be pre-created using eg. phpMyAdmin
    Database: ""
    # Not recommended; Makes PV use the standard JDBC connector instead of the more powerful multi-pooled HikariCP one
    # You can give this a try if you have strange problems with connecting to your database
    BasicDatabaseConnector: false
    # Should PremiumVanish hide invisible players in the bungeecord commands /glist, /server and /find?
    # Note: You can use 'pv.see' as a bungeecord permission to determine which players should be able to see
    # invisible players in these commands. (This doesn't replace the bukkit permission, it's recommended to use both)
    ReplaceBungeeCommands: true
    # Should PremiumVanish adjust the playercount in the serverlist? (-1 per invisible player)
    AdjustPlayerCount: true
    # Should PremiumVanish remove the names of vanished players from tab-completions for players without pv.see?
    FilterTabCompletions: true
    # A whitelist of command usages where it should be allowed to tab-complete vanished players that you can't see.
    # You can use this for commands that generally tab-complete any player, online or not.
    # This section is for advanced users only and uses regular expressions.
    # For changes to apply you need to change this on all spigot servers and on the bungee.
      - "/(ps|plotsquared|p2|2|plotme|plot|p)\\s(visit|v|tp|teleport|goto|warp).*"
    # You can make any command not execute and instead return a custom message if an argument is a vanished
    # player's name. Useful for faking 'Player not found' messages if there are unsupported plugins.
    # You can use <vanished> as a placeholder for any vanished player's name and <...> as a placeholder for
    # anything but whitespace. Any message which STARTS WITH the text you define below (case-insensitive) will
    # be cancelled and will instead send the sender of the command a message you specify.
    # This is network-wide and not optimized for Bukkit commands, for non-bungeecord commands go to the
    # server's PV config; exempt permission: pv.see
      '/examplemsg1 <vanished>': "&cPlayer not found"
      '/makemeadmin2 group <...> useradd <vanished>': "&c<vanished> is totally not online!"
    # Should pv.use and pv.see be layered? => pv.use.levelX, pv.see.levelX
    # Players can see a vanished player if their see level is higher or equal to the other player's use level
    # This setting only applies to PV's bungee features. Layered permissions need to be enabled on the spigot servers.
    # Note: For performance reasons permissions are currently only recomputed on join; '/pv setlevel' isn't supported
    LayeredSeeAndUsePermissions: false
    # What should be the highest level for both layered permissions?
    # Lower amounts might improve performance with more players since that reduces the amount of permission checks
    # This setting only applies to PV's bungee features. Layered permissions need to be enabled on the spigot servers.
    LayeredPermissionsMaxLevel: 100
    MustBePlayer: "&cYou must be a player to use this command!"
    NetworkVanishOn: "&aYou are now joining the network vanished automatically."
    NetworkVanishOff: "&aYou are no longer joining the network vanished automatically."


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