AdvancedAntiVPN - це плагін Spigot + Forks, BungeeCord + Forks & Velocity + Forks, який може використовувати кілька сервісів Anti-VPN, Anti-Proxy або Anti-Tor для виявлення гравців, які намагаються використовувати їх для обходу банів/мінусів або бот-атаки на ваш сервер. Один, якщо не єдиний плагін, який працює на декількох платформах, використовуючи кілька сервісів для виявлення, які ви можете вибирати на свій розсуд, щоб гарантувати, що реальні гравці ніколи не будуть заблоковані.
Команди плагіна AdvancedAntiVPN:
/AdvancedAntiVPN — Відображає меню команди.
/AdvancedAntiVPN Reload — Перезавантажує плагін та все, що в ньому знаходиться, включаючи конфігурацію, служби, дії тощо.
/AdvancedAntiVPN Help — Покаже вам інформацію про команди плагіна та про те, як їх використовувати.
/AdvancedAntiVPN Stat s — Покаже вам інформацію про IP у вашій базі даних та про те, скільки з них зазначено, в межах часу кешування тощо.
/AdvancedAntiVPN Whitelist Add/Remove (IP) — Додає IP до білого списку, щоб дозволити їм обходити будь-які перевірки.
/AdvancedAntiVPN Blacklist Add/Remove (IP) — Додайте IP до чорного списку, щоб завжди блокувати його без використання будь-яких служб для перевірки.
Права плагіна AdvancedAntiVPN:
advancedantivpn.command.reload — Дозвіл для аргументу reload. — Дозвіл для аргументу help.
advancedantivpn.command.stats — Дозвіл для аргументу stats.
advancedantivpn.command.whitelist — Дозвіл для аргументу whitelist.
advancedantivpn.command.blacklist — Дозвіл для аргументу "чорний список".
advancedantivpn.bypass — Дозвіл на обхід усіх перевірок під час приєднання.
advancedantivpn.* — Дозвіл на всі перераховані вище дії.
Конфігурація плагіна AdvancedAntiVPN:
# Thank you for purchasing AdvancedAntiVPN and I hope you enjoy the plugin!
# If you have any issues please refer to the "HELP/HOW TO" on the plugin page below!
# Plugin page:
# Check for plugin updates on startup and every 24 hours?
Update Notify: true
# Enable debug mode for the plugin to see special
# things including raw data of connections.
# WARNING: This can print out alot of debugging
# info especially when checking services!
Debug Mode: false
# Change how data is saved/managed.
# Valid settings are SQLITE (Local) or MYSQL (Remote)
# If you're unsure what this is or don't have multiple servers, just leave these alone.
# MySQL Settings
Port: 3306
# --- Make sure to create this database manually if not there ---
Database: advancedantivpn
# Account that has access to read/write to the above database
Username: admin
Password: dbpass123
# Highly recommend keeping this SSL (HTTPS) to true but your host may not allow it yet.
SSL: true
# Don't change unless you know exactly what this is, this is the maxmium amount of connections in the pool that there can be.
Maximum Pool Size: 4
# Timeout for each connection in seconds. I recommend no higher than 5 seconds but no lower than 1 second.
Connection Timeout: 3.0
# How many services should detect the players IP
# to be a VPN/proxy to flag the player?
# This needs to be the same or lower than the
# amount of services enabled.
# This will trigger the enabled actions.
Flagged Threshold: 2
# Time to cache results in the database in hours.
# Put lower if you have enough queries to use from the services.
# Put higher if you don't have enough queries to use from the services.
# Recommended: 12-48
Cache Time: 36
# What actions to take when a player is flagged.
# Block the player from joining the server.
Enabled: true
Message: "&cPlease disconnect from your VPN or proxy and rejoin!"
# Send a message to all players online with the permission "advancedantivpn.notify"
Enabled: false
Message: "&c&l%player_name%&c tried to join with a VPN or proxy!"
# Send a Discord message to your webhook.
Discord Webhook:
Enabled: false
# See on how to create and get your web hook URL.
URL: ""
Username: "AdvancedAntiVPN"
Avatar: ""
# Hex color
Color: "#00FFFF"
Title: "AdvancedAntiVPN"
Thumbnail: ""
# Placeholders: %player_name%, %ip%, %date% & %time%.
- "[B]%player_name%[/B] tried to log in with a VPN or proxy!"
- ""
- "[B]Information[/B]:"
- "[B]IP[/B]: %ip%"
- "[B]Date[/B]: %date%"
- "[B]Time[/B]: %time%"
# Execute a list of commands with or without a delay.
Enabled: false
# Delay in seconds, 0 to disable
Delay: 0.25
# Placeholders: %player_name%, %ip%, %date% & %time%.
- "minecraft:say %player_name% joined using a VPN or proxy!"
- "minecraft:teleport %player_name% 0 128 0"
# All the services that are supported by AdvancedAntiVPN.
# Please read each service's terms of service and privacy policy before using them.
# S Tier service (
# No Key: 100 daily queries.
# Free Key 1,000 daily queries.
# Paid Key: 10k-512m daily queries.
# Get a free key here:
Enabled: false
Key: "" # Optional but you can get a free one
# A Tier service (
# No Key: 100 daily queries.
# Free Key 1,000 daily queries.
# Paid Key: 10k-200k daily queries.
# Get a free key here:
Enabled: false
Key: "" # Optional but you can get a free one
# B Tier service (
# Free Key: 1,000 daily queries.
# Paid Key: 10k-600k+ daily queries.
# Get a free key here:
Enabled: false
Key: "" # Required but you can get a free one
# B Tier service (
# Free: 500+ daily queries.
# Paid: 500-Infinite daily queries.
Enabled: false
Email: "" # Required don't put a fake one or you'll get banned, sometimes instantly.
# Language used for the plugin
# Prefix for player chat messages. Set to "" to disable.
Prefix: "&b[AdvancedAntiVPN] "
# Player & console messages
Command Usage:
- "&a/AdvancedAntiVPN &7- &fShow plugin version and licensed user."
- "&a/AdvancedAntiVPN Help &7- &fShow this help menu."
- "&a/AdvancedAntiVPN Reload &7- &fReload the plugin."
- "&a/AdvancedAntiVPN Stats &7- &fShows database stats."
- "&a/AdvancedAntiVPN Whitelist (Add/Remove) (IP) &7- &fAdd or remove IP from the whitelist."
- "&a/AdvancedAntiVPN Blacklist (Add/Remove) (IP) &7- &fAdd or remove IP from the blacklist."
- "&a&l%total% &aIP(s) are in the database."
- "&2&l%flagged% &2of them are flagged."
- "&c&l%updated% of them are within the cache time."
- "&4&l%cache_flagged% &4of them within the cache time are flagged."
Whitelist Command Usage: "&cUsage: /AdvancedAntiVPN whitelist add/remove (IP)."
Blacklist Command Usage: "&cUsage: /AdvancedAntiVPN blacklist add/remove (IP)."
Already On Whitelist: "&c%ip% is already on the whitelist!"
Already On Blacklist: "&c%ip% is already on the blacklist!"
Added To Whitelist: "&aAdded %ip% to whitelist."
Added To Blacklist: "&aAdded %ip% to blacklist."
Not On Whitelist: "&c%ip% is not on the whitelist!"
Not On Blacklist: "&c%ip% is not on the blacklist!"
Removed From Whitelist: "&aRemoved %ip% from whitelist."
Removed From Blacklist: "&aRemoved %ip% from blacklist."
Invalid IP: "&c%ip% is an invalid IP!"
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